Infection Prevention and Control for Clinical Staff – (PID6) – CSTF Aligned

£6.00 (inc. VAT)

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This content provides an opportunity to review in more depth the use of standard infection prevention and control measures.

This content deals with the fundamentals and principles involved in preventing healthcare associated infections. You will also learn how you should manage them, and apply your principles of infection control knowledge in practice.

Learning Outcomes:

Explain what a healthcare-associated infection (HCAI) is and how these infections spread

Describe the impact healthcare-associated infections have on patients, your duty of care to patients and management in the workplace that can prevent the spread

Describe how healthcare staff can help prevent infections from spreading

Explain what asepsis is

Describe how hand hygiene, personal protective equipment management of blood, body fluids, sharps, the environment and care equipment helps prevent the spread of infection

Know about roles and responsibilities with infection prevention


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